Your Personal Employment Plan

Job Analysis Tools
  Competency Checklist
A checklist that shows how your skills, knowledge, and qualifications match to a specific career or job.
  My Career and Job Choices
A shortlist of careers or jobs that you are interested in.
  Career and Job Summary
Information about one career or job you want to pursue.
  Job Posting Analyzer
A tool to take important information from job postings and create job applications, cover letters and resumes that stand out.
Personalized Resources
   List of Target Employers
A list of target employers you have researched and prioritized as good candidates to work for and likely to have one or more of your target careers or jobs.
   List of Contacts/Network
Names and contact information for people in your network to contact to help you with your career or job search.
A resume in a format preferred by natural gas employers that you have tailored to the career or job you are looking for.
   Cover Letter
A cover letter for your target career or job, in a style preferred by employers in the natural gas industry, ready to send to potential employers.
A list of carefully chosen personal and business or work contacts who are willing to provide you with a reference for prospective employers.

Suggested Reading

What Color is Your Parachute?